
Welcome to The
Straw Patch Project

The Straw Patch Project CIC is a not-for-profit organisation which offers a safe outdoor space to nurture wellbeing and positive mental health to benefit the local community by providing support and small group sessions. We believe that providing a regular, structured activity outdoors, making the time to listen and talk can really make the difference to a positive mental outlook. The project is run and managed by Alex Straw and Sarah Pedlar and is based at Strawfields.

Please go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-straw-patch-project should you wish to donate. All funds raised enable us to set up new groups and support on going groups.  Thank you for taking the time to read about us, more info at www.strawpatchproject.com follow us on Instagram, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Sarah at thestrawpatchproject@gmail.com